This newsletter is ALL about Initiative Forum (IF). YIP9 have been working hard getting everything ready for the 9th April (so soon!) We now have a clearer picture of how the week will look and who will be coming to lecture, give workshops and play music into the night. NOW WE WANT TO SHARE OUR EXCITEMENT WITH YOU!
Since there’s so much information to share with you, we will try to keep it as simple as possible. We won’t always include whole biography for contributors here, just a sneaky peak at who they are and what they’ll be bringing. To find out more, visit the “Program 2017” page on the Initiative Forum website. In fact, if you need information about ANYTHING, that’s the place to go. In time, we will keep the website updated. Anything else, you can email us with your query.
For some time now the Initiative Forum has been a significant part of our daily lives; arranging venues and accommodation, keeping a close eye on financing, inviting and contacting people who will bring in content, making sure there will be enough food and of course inviting participants to come.
Beyond Borders was a topic that, after much consideration, stood out the most to us. Touching on many significant issues of our time, intertwined with events that influenced our group. To create this space for conversation and connection, concise steps need to be taken. And with the event being around the corner, excitement and nerves are definitely building. Meetings on many different topics happen daily and work often goes into the deep hours of the night.
Personally, I am enjoying the vibe greatly. Having a big team of organisers requires careful planning and cooperation of each individual. The development of these skills is not only imbedded in the Youth Initiative Program’s ideology but will prove very useful in our future, working together as humanity.
I greatly look forward to seeing the Forum happening and all of the wonderful people who will be coming! See you there!
Arne Janse van Rensburg – YIP9
What to Bring
A few important things to bring:
As Initiative Forum in drawing closer we would just like to remind you of a few essentials to keep in mind when packing:
Sleeping bag/blanket
Sleeping mattress (beds will not be provided)
Warm and waterproof clothes
Biodegradable* soap, shampoo and toothpaste
*As the community makes use of a natural filtration system and all waste water eventually makes its way into the neighbouring Baltic sea, only biodegradable cleaning products, including personal hygiene products such as soaps, shampoos etc. may be used. We humbly request that all non-biodegradable products be left at home when you attend Initiative Forum, all biodegradable products are locally available to buy.
A few things that might make your time here more enjoyable:
Notebook and Pen
Musical Instrument(s) -there will be plenty of time to jam as well as an opportunity to perform at the open mic.!
Art/craft materials
Major Content Update
The schedule for the week is shaping out as we put our final design touches on the week. We want to consider how to help guide you through a week-long process, starting off by looking at our personal borders and ‘breaking the ice’, through looking at the various borders that shape the world, all the way to the last day of “where do we go from here?”
We’re learning as we go along here in YIP9, so don’t be surprised if things change in the coming weeks, but we hope this gives you an idea of how the week will look! A more detailed schedule with exact (or near to exact) times will be release soon.
Open Space
Open Space is an opportunity for anyone and everyone to help co-create the event with us! Sign up to host a workshop, lecture, conversation space, discussion or impromptu music jam session or massage circle and others can join you. If you’ve never experienced this format before, we will help you understand Open Space once the event begins.
From here on out we will gift you with a list of lecturers, workshops, evening cultural events and initiatives that will be taking part in IF!!
Dive in and find out about our contributors this year. We hope this will get you excited!