Susan Bäucke Kollem
Contributor Introduction
Susan Bäucke Kollem is an art therapist working in a studio in Ytterjärna.
Born and raised in Hamburg, Germany, she moved to Switzerland to study international management of tourism. Working for the German National Tourist Board in Frankfurt/M – Germany, Chicago – USA and Stockholm – Sweden for many years, Susan decided to give her life another direction and started studying Waldorf pedagogy and curative education in Stockholm and Järna. The work as a teacher was very satisfactory – and was completed with an art therapy study in 2002. Since 2006 she has been working within this field, having the creative process of art as a form of nonverbal communication.
Sculpturing in relation to oneself, others and nature
Mon Feb 27th & Tue Feb 28th & Wed Mar 1st, 14:00 – 16:00, Workshop
Program Description
Monday: You will get to make your own sculpture. After that, your next task will be to create a relation with your neighbor’s sculptures by adapting your own.
Tuesday: You’ll get to let your creativity flow by modeling a sculpture that comes solely out of yourself.
Wednesday: On Wednesday you get the possibility to model the four elements, water, soil, air, and fire.