The Initiative Forum is an annual conference where changemakers from all over the world gather in Ytterjarna, Sweden. This event is hosted by us, participants of YIP17 (The Youth Initiative Program).
The Initiative Forum is an annual conference where changemakers from all over the world gather in Ytterjarna, Sweden. This event is hosted by us, participants of YIP17 (The Youth Initiative Program).
We chose the theme “Sowing Seeds of Connection – Cultivate Hope, Harvest Change” because we believe that now, more than ever, we are called to address the disconnection that exists in the world. The world is experiencing a huge crisis of disconnection, polarization and division and we want to be part of bringing together those (you!) who wish to create a more connected and integrated world.
The seed is an eternal symbol of potential, and the possibility of life to thrive as a part of a whole: a connected ecosystem.
The event will be located at Kulturhuset i Ytterjärna:
Kulturcentrum Järna 14
15391 Järna
Group accommodation and workshop facilities will also be located on the same campus.
The Initiative Forum takes place from 17th – 21st April 2025
YIP, The International Youth Initiative Program, is societal entrepreneurship training for young adults who wish to strengthen their capacity to take personal and collective initiative to bring about a more just and regenerative future. Participants live and learn together for ten months, exploring the systems impacting our world, ways of working to shift these, and deepening understanding of themselves as active participants within this world. YIP follows a curriculum that engages the head, heart, and will. The Initiative Forum is one of the ways to bring learning out into the world and host a space where changemakers and those striving for a more connected world can come together and share ideas, inspiration, and experiences.
More information will be coming soon!
If you would like to support the forum financially or with food, please get in touch.