Seasonal greetings from everyone at YIP9,
Here in Ytterjärna we are getting ready to leave Tallevana for the next two months. Firstly we will enjoy a bit of a break, some of us going to see family, friends and also new places. Then we will jet off to our internships!
We have had a very busy few months; a lot of things have changed in our group as there was a big moment of uncertainty when the 6 awaited student visas got denied. As each of the affected yippies allotted 3 months’ visa in Sweden came to an end, we had to say a temporary farewell to them. They will be going on the internships and will return at the latest to be part of Initiative Forum.
Preparing for Initiative Forum 2017 is another big part of what has kept us so busy and we extremely excited to announce that:
We are excited to co-create this event with you! If you would like to share your music, workshops, initiatives and projects, please add this information onto the registration form found on the website below.
We are also food-raising for the event. One of the challenges we are facing is how to feed 300+ people during 5 days, keep our expenses low and offer a reasonable participation fee. We are now looking for food contributions, preferably organic and/or biodynamic or any other kind of donation related to accommodation practices (toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.). In exchange, we would be happy to promote our sponsors on the Initiative Forum website or we could offer a table in the foyer, where products and information material can be displayed (a more accurate deal should be discussed in that case).
We also want to find funds that could support those that would like to attend but who are not in a financial position to do so. We would love to find some organisations or investors that would be willing to help these potential participants by finding a deal with the interested person themselves. We would be happy to promote this on the IF website.
There are early bird tickets available until 31st January 2017 with a reduced price. If you would like more information, visit the website or email us with your questions. You can read the whole newsletter here.