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Into the Foodture – Feeding Change: UPDATE!

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Dear Initiative Forum Participant!

With Initiative Forum 2016 just around the corner, we, the YIP8 team, are busily washing hands, stirring pots, chopping veggies, harvesting ideas, and adding the final bits of salt and pepper to ‘Into The Foodture: Feeding Change’; and it is looking delicious. We already have over 200 registered for the forum, and we anticipate even more to trickle in during the next few weeks.

So far, there are participants from Ireland, Malawi, Germany, The Netherlands, Egypt,  Belgium, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Australia, USA, Nepal, Scotland, England, Finland, Switzerland, Portugal, Haiti, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Brazil, France, Zimbabwe, Yemen, Algeria, New Zealand, Spain and Norway. Not too shabby!

From us, we wanted to send you a couple of important details in regards to practical information, workshops, and what to bring, so that you are able to enter IF2016 fully prepared for a wicked week!

Packing Reminders:

Something new, which is that we invite, and urge you to bring your favorite vegetable, or a vegetable that is unique to where you’re from, as it will be used in the opening ceremony. More details when you arrive. We’ll let you decide whether you believe a tomato is a vegetable or a fruit.

We very highly recommend that you to bring warm clothes, a sleeping bag, and a mat to sleep on. Sleeping bags and mats are not included with accomodation.

As another reminder, Initiative Forum has traditionally been an alcohol-free event, and will continue to be.

Opportunities to Share and Exchange:

Do you want to upgrade your wardrobe? During the conference, we will have an ongoing clothes swap, in which you can freely trade any old clothes you can’t stand anymore. Bring something, take something, who knows what you may find!

Do you need a ride to IF? If you’re on Facebook, a great place to find a ride, or find people to pick up, is on the public Initiative Forum group. Join it!

Are you attending IF representing a company, producer, university or organization? We will be hosting a Marketplace, in which you are welcome to occupy a table with information on your company, tastings of your product, or even as an opportunity to find like-minded individuals for collaboration. Please contact us if interested.

Are you a photographer? We are looking for a few awesome photographers to document the conference, and who are also able to donate the photographs to YIP for promotional material, the newsletter, and to remember the week by. Please contact us if interested: [email protected]

Are you someone with something special to share, and would be interested in leading a workshop? We are curious as to what talents and skills may exist within the IF participants, and invite anyone with the knowhow and expertise to share it! If interested, please contact us, answering the following:

  • What would you like to share in your workshop? Explain an overview of the workshop content.
  • What kind of space would you require? (a room, kitchen, auditorium, outdoor space)
  • Would you require any specific materials, and if so, could you provide them, or would you need something from YIP (a TV monitor, 15 beekeeper suits, funny wigs, etc.)?

And finally, are you up for a challenge? In the next two weeks, the YIP8 team challenges anyone to take a selfie with their farmer, baker, butcher, or local food producer, and post it to your Facebook or Instagram with the tag, #intothefoodture, as a way to spread the word, and to get excited about IF!

A Word from the Administration Team:

Just a friendly reminder- Don’t forget to pay your IF fee, if you have not already. Payment details can be found here!  And if you haven’t yet Registered, get on it!

That’s all from us for now, but in the meantime, we encourage you to follow us on Instagram @intothefoodture, join the Initiative Forum Facebook Group, and check out news and updates on contributors and events on the Initiative Forum Events Page!

We look forward to seeing you in person, in Jarna, in just a few weeks! In the meantime, we wish you the best, and safe travels.
