Words by Charlotte Breed, participant YIP 7
Ytterjärna is a little fairytale-like village in the south-east of Sweden, an hour car drive from Stockholm. It is the home of YIP and the place where the Initiative Forum will take place. Right now, the campus is covered in colours of beautiful blooming flowers, while the blossom of a hundred ancient apple trees has just fallen of. It is the synthesis between the beauty of nature and of human creation, where art and flowers are only complementing each other. You can go on a walk along the peaceful cleaning pounds where the waste-water is being cleaned, listening to the clattering of many unique flow-forms, or look out over the forest from a gigantic mossy rock. You can lie in the grass for ages, looking at a clear blue sky, or take a brave dip in the glinstering Swedish fjord. As the longest day comes closer, it is never really dark out here. The sun barely hides behind the horizon, before it raises again, making the sky never darker than twilight. But there is more to be seen.
For many years, Ytterjärna has been a center for creativity and social change. It’s something you can’t only see; you can really feel it, this tinkling feeling of wonder as you first arrive on the campus. Here, in this place, magic is being created. Many initiatives find their home here. BERAS, an organisation that strives for sustainable and responsible agriculture in order to safe the Baltic Sea, and SOFIA, an antroposofical international volunteer organisation, share the place with a flourishing Waldorf school (which is where the group accommodation will be), an art therapy training, Rubbyge shop, Vidarkliniken, an antroposofical hospital, Matbygget, a restaurant with local and organic food, and many agricultural initiatives, from a big bio-dynamic farm to a small permaculture garden.
The surroundings of Ytterjärna host many more initiatives, including Ekobanken, many forms of curative homes and education plus more sustainable agriculture. There is a small organic shop on the campus, from Nibble farm, where you can buy vegetables, dairy products and dry goods. And Robygge shop, for all your alternative souvenirs. As the crone of this all stands the Culture House, a price-winning piece of architecture. In this unique building, with café and conference rooms, many great events are organised and even more brilliant performances are given. During the Initiative Forum, we will have the privilege to use the famous stage for the morning lectures, hosted spaces and evening concerts! Believe me, this place on itself is already worth the trip!
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